Passwords, You’re Safer Not Knowing

Forever we have been taught and trained to create passwords on computers to allow us access to systems. Normally we make it something we can relate to: names, favorite colors, and birthdays (research if there are statistics of common password types). We have to type in this password often and we quickly need to get access to those systems. Social engineering is the best and easiest way to obtain access to data.

1. Prevents you from using the same password
A. Leaves you with no vulnerability to having your other accounts compromised
B. The goal is to have a randomized password for all accounts
C. Harder to penetrate.
a. If it takes more effort for a hacker it’s not worth their time. If you were a big fish they’d rather spear phish you.
1. Relate this methodology to something relatable. Like taking the bus or driving your car to a destination to get their faster to accomplish a task?


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